What Is and Isn't Normal After a Breast Augmentation Procedure?

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No two breast enhancement procedures are the same, but it's still important to know what to expect after surgery and understand what is and isn't normal. In this blog post, board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgical specialist Dr. Omar Ahmed discusses some of the most common side effects of breast augmentation surgery and how to make recovery more comfortable. We also offer tips on how to reduce your risk of complications in Pasadena, CA. Call Omar Ahmed, M.D. to set up a cosmetic consultation and learn more about the process.

What happens during breast augmentation surgery?

If your breasts have slowly lost volume or fullness over time, Dr. Ahmed performs breast augmentation using the safest and most advanced techniques in the industry. Breast implants are placed in a surgical pocket where they will provide the most natural outcomes. Incisions are minimal and are closed with either sutures or surgical adhesives. All patients spend time in a recovery area for monitoring before being released home with a responsible friend or family member.

What is normal during breast augmentation recovery?

Some discomfort is expected after breast augmentation, so patients are instructed to rest and take medications as needed. A compression bra should help with minor side effects, like swelling and inflammation. These garments are also designed to support the breasts and help them maintain their new shape.

Swelling should subside several days after surgery as the breast implants settle into position. While many patients in Pasadena, CA, can resume normal activities within a short period, Dr. Ahmed does not recommend engaging in any strenuous workouts for at least a few months.

What is not normal during breast augmentation recovery?

Complications after breast enhancement are rare but are still possible, especially if patients do not follow postoperative instructions as given by Omar Ahmed, M.D. Watch out for excessive swelling and inflammation, bleeding, drainage, or redness around the incision site. Contact us for further instructions if any of these symptoms persist. Our team is here to support you through the entire recovery process.

How can I prevent complications after breast augmentation surgery?

Dr. Ahmed will create a detailed recovery timeline along with your standard postoperative instructions. This may include information about when to attend follow-up appointments at our clinic. These meetings are crucial so Dr. Ahmed can check on your progress and ensure the breast implants are settling in as planned.

There are ways patients can streamline healing and feel more comfortable during breast augmentation recovery. We recommend the following tips:

  • Wear compression garments for as long as directed: A supportive bra will minimize swelling and improve comfort in the treatment areas.

  • Keep incisions clean and dry: Our office will provide detailed information about how to take care of incision sites.

  • Avoid strenuous activity: Wait until Dr. Ahmed gives you the all-clear before resuming a regular workout routine.

  • Take medications as prescribed: Pain medications and anti-inflammatory drugs are other ways to manage discomfort.

  • Contact our office right away if any complications occur: This allows us to address any concerns as soon as possible.

Safely augment your breasts

Breast enhancement surgery provides a number of benefits for patients who want to augment their figures. If you are considering breast augmentation in Pasadena, CA, contact Omar Ahmed, M.D. for an assessment and consultation. We work with you to develop a treatment plan that meets your goals and expectations. Dr. Omar Ahmed is dedicated to providing the best possible care for patients.

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