What Not To Do During Your Breast Augmentation Recovery

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Most Pasadena, CA patients considering breast implants want a general idea of what to expect after breast augmentation. After surgery, you will be released to go home to recover and receive a set of postoperative guidelines to follow. It is imperative to follow these instructions during breast augmentation recovery to heal properly and have the best possible results. To give you an idea, here is a list of the dos and don'ts after breast augmentation from board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgical specialist Dr. Omar Ahmed and the experienced team at Omar Ahmed, M.D.

What to expect after breast augmentation surgery?

With state-of-the-art practices, like Omar Ahmed, M.D., patients in Pasadena, CA can enhance their profile and feel more confident about how they look with breast implants. Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures performed in this country, giving patients more shape and size to their natural breasts. During one-on-one consultations, Dr. Ahmed is often asked by his patients, "What can I expect during breast augmentation recovery?" While every patient's body has a different natural response to recovering from this cosmetic procedure, it helps to get a general idea of what to expect beforehand and be better prepared for breast augmentation recovery.

Dos and don'ts after breast augmentation

Since every patient's body is unique, there is no exact timeline for breast augmentation recovery. However, in most cases, you can expect it to take about 6 – 8 weeks. Dr. Ahmed will better assess your overall health and give you a more definitive timeline before surgery. Read on to learn some common dos and don'ts after breast augmentation, to be better prepared.

1. Can I wear a regular bra during breast augmentation recovery?

Don't think you will be wearing a regular bra in your new cup size after surgery. Your breasts need full support from every angle for at least six weeks, if not longer.

Do plan on wearing the compression bra provided and wear it as instructed. It protects the new augmented tissue while it heals, so don't overestimate the power of a compression bra during breast augmentation recovery.

2. Can I exercise after breast augmentation?

Don't expect to be back to your regular workout routine, even if you feel back to normal. It is vital to listen to your body and take it slow during breast augmentation recovery. Running, lifting, even stretching too soon can extend your healing process and might put your breast augmentation results in jeopardy.

Do put any upper body exercises on hold for six weeks or until cleared by Dr. Ahmed. After a week or two, patients can start to resume light walking or doing small tasks around the house that don't involve lifting. In about 3 – 4 weeks, patients can resume lower body workouts, like walking on a treadmill or riding a stationary bike. By week six, light upper body exercises may be introduced, but don't push your body beyond its comfort levels.

3. How should you sleep after breast augmentation?

Don't sleep on your side or stomach for the first 4 – 6 weeks during breast augmentation recovery, or until Dr. Ahmed gives the okay. Don't drink caffeine and involve other sleep disrupters before bed, like being on your phone or watching TV, to get a good night's rest.

Do plan ahead to sleep on your back. Sleeping on your back and keeping your shoulders and head elevated afterward takes the pressure off the incisions and breast implants as they heal. Extra pillows will be necessary to place under each arm, elevate your body in a more upright position, and placed on either side of you to prevent rolling over while sleeping.

4. Is raising your arms after breast augmentation allowed?

Don't lift or raise your arms above shoulder level for at least two weeks. It can risk your breast implants shifting or cause other complications that can affect your surgical outcome.

Do wait 4 – 6 weeks, or until you are cleared by Dr. Ahmed, to do any heavy lifting or anything over ten pounds.

Breast augmentation near me, and who can help?

Breast augmentation is a life-changing surgery and should be performed by a qualified and experienced expert, like board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgical specialist Dr. Omar Ahmed. It is possible to experience a successful breast augmentation recovery, especially with ample rest, following your postoperative instructions, and selecting the right caregivers who can assist you after surgery. To learn more about breast augmentation surgery in Pasadena, CA, schedule a consultation at Omar Ahmed, M.D. today.

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